Sunday, March 25, 2012

Now, on a serious note...

Alright.  This one's gonna be a bit different and a bit personal.  Okay, a lot personal.  I wanna talk about eating disorders.

From the beginning of spring semester freshman year through the summer and right up to the beginning of fall semester sophomore year, I had some major food problems.  At the peak of the problem, I was eating a net total of 400 calories and was constantly thinking about food, how to avoid it, how to manage it.  I was crabby all the time, not very social, I couldn't stay focused on anything for long, and I always felt sluggish.
At the end of the summer, I realized that yeah, I had lost weight and I looked pretty good, but I was not happy.  I knew what I was doing was not healthy and so decided to change it.  I deleted the phone app I had been using to keep track of calories, began to (gradually) eat what I wanted, and got my life back.  I took advantage of the UVM health center and counseling services, I stopped buying "safe" foods, I stopped exercising to burn calories and started exercising because it makes me feel good.

Now, I have no idea how many calories I'm intaking per day and I don't much care.  I went up a couple pant sizes, but who cares.  I'm so much happier.  I was lucky-- eating disorders can get out of hand fast and are often lifelong problems.  I still struggle now and then, but I'm proud of how far I've come.  The past year has given me a great appreciation for food, and now I love experimental cooking, trying new foods as often as possible, going out to dinner, and making food a more social aspect of life.

Okay, now for the true purpose of this blogpost.  That was all just background information.  Here's the real problem: I suspect/KNOW a close friend of mine is experiencing the same thing.  I know all the signs, I know all the strategies to hide it.  I've tried to bring it up face to face, but couldn't get through.  I know she doesn't think she has a problem...which is the problem.

So, friend, just letting you know that I'm here if you want to talk about it-- absolutely any time.  I won't judge, I won't force you to eat something, I won't freak out.  Just want you to know that there are a ton of people who care for you and that you're surrounded by one of the most supporting environments you could possibly be in.

This goes for everyone-- I encourage anyone who even suspects they have a problem to pick up the phone.

  • UVM Counseling Center: 1-802-656-3340
  • NEDA Helpline: 1-800-931-2237
  • Heck, call ME up.  Any time.


  1. I love you, you beautiful human you. xxoo

  2. I love you kitten. As a reward for being brave/generally awesome, I give you this song I discovered today because I know you'll flip a shit.
