Monday, March 12, 2012

Gluten-Free Trash! WAHOO!

GUESS WHAT.  Back at school, and my first trash find is SOMETHING I CAN EAT (insert happy jig/incredulous screaming)-- a half-full bag of dried apples.  Perfect.  Gluten, dairy, and chocolate free.  So so perfect.  It seems the trash gods aim to make me happy no matter what obstacle I throw in the mix.  So yeah.  I've got fruit and happiness.

I used the apple slices pretty much right away... Allie, my gluten-free neighbor, offered a couple pieces of Udi's gluten-free bread, so I made almond butter toast and put the dried apple on top.  This was the third gluten-free bread I've tried and so far, the best.  Two thumbs up and a high five and a rockette kick and a sonorous hooray for Udi's!  Thank you, Allie!

On a completely different and un-apple-related note, remember how I said people have been acting differently since I started this blog?  Being more conscious of what they throw away, apologizing for wasting, etc?  Well, lemme tell ya about my friend Taylor.  Here she is:


Over break, Taylor and her mom parked the car and when she went to open the door, it knocked over a box of pancake mix.  Just chillin' there by the curb, unopened: pancakes in their most natural, purest form.  So Taylor picked it up, took it home, brought it to school, just to show it to me.  And make pancakes, of course.  I made her take a picture of it for this post because, as a rule, you should take a picture of everything you find so you can wave your free food in the face of everyone on the internet.  Teehee..

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