Sunday, April 28, 2013

Remember when I used to blog? BAHAHAH

I forgot I had a blog... It's been 4 months... WHOOPSIE DAISIES. The only reason I'm on here right now is because it's getting to be finals-time and my brain is not quite ready for that (let's be honest, will it ever be ready?) The trash-picking has been slow because a) I'm doing 18 credits this semester + a part-time job + an internship + training for a second part-time job, and b) the dumpster is at an awkward height, like, above chest level so I can't lean in to peek and c) I don't live in a dorm anymore and I assume everyone in the apartment complex is broke and desperate like me, so I wouldn't expect anyone to be throwing out whole boxes of cereal like the good ol' days

SO. Let's catch up. A long long time ago (in a galaxy far away (just kidding, it was actually on Athletic Campus, I just wanted to make a Star Wars reference)), I found a glove on the sidewalk. It was a really nice glove. A Ralph Lauren stitched leather glove. I was like, "DAMN, that's a nice glove" and kept walking. And then I found the other one 50 steps later. I put them on and so began the beginning of a brief, but very torrid relationship. I wore those thangs everywhere and my hands were the coziest gosh darn things on the planet.  That was in October, I think. By December, I lost them because that's how gloves and I work. I get them, love them, lose them, mourn them.

Shortly after the glove-finding stuff happened, I found a headband on the sidewalk too! I wore the crap out of it. All winter long. I never lost it because it was always on my head. I even brought it with me to Spain. And Paris. And London. I love a well-cultured headband, don't you? It's actually probably my favorite thing I've ever found and I'm going to be super incredibly despondent when I lose it/it falls apart.

 This was at our welcome dinner on our first night in Madrid. My first legal glass of wine. Pinky up, obvi.

This was in Paris on a bridge over the Louvre.

Uhhh, I think that's about it for my major findings in the past few months. Oh, actually, no! Yesterday I was in Boston (or Cambridge? Or Lowell? I have no idea where we were, but there were cobblestone streets, so I was happy) and we went to a really funky vegan restaurant called Life Alive. I don't wanna make this post a restaurant review, but HOLY WOW, so good. But that's not the point. The point is that they were selling Liz Lovely gluten free cookies and we were drooling, but not diggin' the price. They come in packs of two and on our way out we found an abandoned pack that had a whole triple chocolate mint cookie left. So we split it in three and shared. Aww. It was delicious. Like, mind-blowingly delicious. If I remembered what those gluten-y girl scout cookies tasted like, I would probably say it was better than thin mints.