Friday, March 30, 2012

Mr. Franck goes grocery shopping...

Experimental cooking night once again!  This one was a surprise though... I was all set to make do with a can of black beans, a grapefruit, and some gluten-free pasta, when all of a sudden Mr. Franck shows up with a backpack fulla veggies and all sorts of random crap.  It felt like Christmas.

Like the assholes we are, we took up the entire kitchen table.  Mwaha.  Everyone knows that you can't experiment without making a mess.  Here's our mess. 

Want a list of ingredients?  Yes, you do.  In no particular order:
- carrots
- mustard seed (still don't know what the heck that is)
- celery
- 4-day-old sliced cucumbers I stole from the dining hall
- black beans
- red pepper
- frozen corn found in the back of my freezer from who-knows-when
- quinoa
- "all-purpose" spice, whatever that means
- pumpkin seeds
- frozen peas
- baby arugala 

Oh, and the best surprise of them all: "cool blue" gatorade.  Because that's the only flavor of gatorade worth drinking, in my opinion.   

The end result was pretty gosh darn good.  We're getting better and better at this experimental thang.  We shared it with everyone who walked by and a good time was had by all.  Stay tuned for the next experimental cooking adventure-- we're already scheming.

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