Sunday, October 14, 2012

Failed ravioli, banana whipped cream, and starving savages.

Yesterday was BEAUUUUTIFUL.  One of those perfect fall days where you try to cherish it but can't help thinking about whether you're actually cherishing it to the full extent it deserves.  You know?  It's like the day is guilt-tripping you if you're not outside picking pumpkins or going on hayrides.  Tucker and I were planning on having a mega touristy day at the Shelburne Museum and probably some foliage drives, etc etc.  Instead, we ended up hangin' out cooking and knitting all day.

Here's our day of food (all gluten free/vegan):
Breakfast: chocolate chip pancakes
Lunch: grilled cheese with pesto and apples, butternut squash soup
Dinner: failed pumpkin ravioli, so it became rice pasta with a pumpkin/walnut sauce
Dessert: surprise pie

The evening plan was to head to my friend's apartment for a classy dinner party.  The only problem?  Nothing being served was gluten free.  Hence, the gluten free pumpkin ravioli idea was born!  

The original plan for the pumpkin sauce was to use it as filling for the homemade ravioli.  The filling was mashed pumpkin, an onion, and walnuts.  Yumm.  Buuuuuut, we tried to make the ravioli pasta from scratch, but that shit is harder than it looks.  So we mixed it into some rice pasta and all was good with the world.  Sort of.  It didn't taste fantastic, so all was not really good with the world, but whatever.  It actually kinda looks barfy in the picture below.  We scarfed it at the party anyway.  Literally, scarfed it.  Right out of the serving bowl.  Before everyone else got their food.  In a dark corner of the room.  ...It's safe to say we were the savages of the classy dinner party.  Not sorry.

And then we were planning on bringing a dessert to the dinner party, so we whipped up a surprise pie-- one of Tucker's family's secret recipes.  (The recipe's not really a secret, but they call it surprise pie because the fun part is getting people to guess the ingredients after they take a bite).  The only problem?  Whipped cream is supposed to be the top layer of the pie and I'm dairy free.  So we did some google searching and found a whipped cream recipe using a mashed banana and an egg white.  It turned out WONDERFULLY.  Look at the picture, doesn't that look like whipped cream?  YEAH!

We ended up not bringing the pie to the party... because we wanted to eat it.  Sooooo... this morning, after Tucker, my roomate Hannah, and I worked on it, there's not a whole lot left.  It's that good.  It'll probably be gone by the end of the day.

Oh, and here's Tucker knitting his first scarf.  Adorable.