Monday, February 27, 2012

Who in their right mind recycles a belt?!

It almost seems like there's a correlation between the amount/quality of food I find and the quality of day I'm having.  The worse my day gets, the more food I find.  Or maybe there's actually no correlation and it's just that when I'm having a less than thrilling day, finding food is more exciting.  Whatever the heck it is, it definitely brightened this dreary Monday.  I was having a "mondane" day.  Har har.

At approximately 11:30am, I looked at the exam review sheet for my healthcare ethics class and had a mini freakout.  And then I found a box of animal crackers.  With animal crackers in hand, I tackled that review sheet with the fierceness of a thousand honeybadgers, and for those who don't know, those things are fierce.  

Later on, I was on my way to the gym when I habitually glanced into the garbage and glimpsed the top of a Cheez-It box.  What little will power I have told me to keep walking, but of course that bit of will power failed and I grabbed the box.  FULL.  Opened, but FULL.  It's now sitting in the kitchen for all to share... take a stroll on over to my floor to partake in some Cheez-It eating, y'all!

And then, I found a skinny leather belt.  For some strange reason, it was in the recycling bin, which a) it shouldn't have been because it's a BELT, and b) I don't usually look in there, so this was a stroke of luck.  

People are dumbheads.  Why toss out a full box of Cheez-its?  Why not give them to someone who'd eat them?  Why throw away a belt?  And why throw it in the recycling bin?  Who taught that person to sort their trash?  This concerns me.  These are the questions that keep me awake at night.  Not really, but they do run through my mind whenever I find something that doesn't belong in the garbage.  Come on, guys, let's get it together.  

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