Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Valentine's Day Trashy Goodness!

Everyone loves Valentine's Day, right?!  RIGHT!  Let me just list the reasons this V-Day is a wonderful one for me:

1) It gives me an excuse to wear the disgustingly frilly pink nightgown that has been in my closet ever since the beginning of time (cough, 2 weeks ago).  For the sake of my dignity, I hope it never comes out again.
2) I LOVE giving out Valentines to everyone I know.  Apparently, I never really left elementary school.
3) My eyes match the theme of my outfit-- RED.  I happen to have a raging case of pink-eye, just in time for Valentine's Day.  Red, itchy, and oh-so festive!
4) And finally, other people's leftovers.  Today's one of those days where the amount of food you receive is indicative of the amount of love someone has for you.  So if you're super in love, you can't possibly eat all that junk.  Which is where I come in and vacuum it all up with my bottomless chocolate cravings.

Well, the day is young, so I haven't yet come upon the hoard of girls clutching heart boxes and there's still a plethora of boxed pieces of cake sitting in the marketplace....BUUUUUT, I did find a wrap in the garbage of the Marche.  I was accompanying Taylor to the trash to throw her curly fries away (there comes a point where even I can't handle the amount of junkfood I find and I have to go back to being a semi-healthy eater for a day or two (who am I kidding, an hour or two) There will be more french fries, I shan't fret).
So anyway, we got to the trash area and I saw the tell-tale plastic case of a Marche sandwich.  It was a wrap and there was ONE BITE taken out of one of the halves.  I grabbed it before I even fully processed that it was: a) a chicken caesar wrap (Oh hey, I'm a vegetarian) and b) covered in slimy, white unidentifiable goo.

But WHATEVER, I grabbed it anyway, washed the barfy stuff off my hands, wiped off the container, finished gagging, and voila!  The wrap was as good as new (minus the bite taken out of it).  And then there's the little problem of being a vegetarian, but who cares.  I took a bite anyway (because I'm experimental and it's Valentine's Day so fuck it) and it was disgusting, but FREE.  So yeah.

Lesson learned: just because you find something in the trash doesn't mean you have to eat it.  Especially if it's made of meat products.

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