Tuesday, February 21, 2012


It's Mardi Gras, y'all!  Aka, Fat Tuesday.  Aka, PANCAKES.  Here's the story of my day: woke up, got really pumped about pancakes and talked about them nonstop, only to get blank stares.  Is there no one else who celebrates Fat Tuesday every year?  Surely I'm not the only fatty at UVM!  But alas, it appears to be so.  
Due to the horribly depressing fact that no one else was pancake-obsessed, I decided to take it upon myself to educate everyone and stuff pancakes in the face of anyone who happened to be walking by the kitchen during this whole ordeal.  Here's how it goes down.

Step 1: Chuck together some ingredients that may or may not be the correct ones.  
2 cups flour (given to me by Sarah a few days ago before she threw it away)
2 Tbsp granulated sugar (but I used brown sugar because why not)
Salt (stolen from the dining hall)
2.5 Tsp baking powder (but I used baking powder because that's all I could find)
Milk (but I used almond milk because udders are scary)
2 eggs (probably the only ingredient I didn't mess with)

Step 2: Fry up some cakes, preferably not on the burner that always sets off the fire alarm.  (Word of advice: when making pancakes, do not use 4 times as much oil as needed to grease the pan.  The first pancake will be soggy and not quite as delectable as intended).

Step 3: Keep your pancakies on a cookie sheet in the oven to stay warm while you're finishing up.  Then take them out and admire your creations lovingly before chowing down.

Just LOOK at that pile of pancakey goodness.  LOOK AT IT.  So good.

Step 4: Share your Mardi Gras celebration with anyone and everyone that walks into the kitchen.  Physically force your victims to ingest the pancakies, if you must.  Just kidding, guys, friendly feeding is the way to go.

Happy homies eating crappy cakes.  

Step 5: Brag about how unpoisonous your pancakes turned out, under the circumstances.

And there you have it folks, my successful pancake endeavors.  And man, am I surprised they actually turned out edible.  If you know me at all, you have most likely heard horror stories about my baking/cooking skillz.  Well, let me tell ya, those are not just rumors, people.  I am quite possibly the worst baker on the face of the universe (does the universe have a face?) and that is not an understatement.  In fact, I'm bracing myself for food poisoning from those pancakes any minute now.

...Just kidding.

...But really.

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