Monday, February 20, 2012

Crazy for Clementines!

Remember how I said healthy eating was starting today?  Well....IT DID.  I bet you weren't expecting me to say that.  (I wasn't expecting me to say that either, but hey, I acquired this new thing called willpower seemingly overnight).  So...when this bowl o' homemade fudge was left in the kitchen for all to enjoy, this gal didn't go beserk and eat all of it, for once.

Here's the fudge bowl in all of its depleted glory.  As you can see, my floor really knows how to go to town on a bowl of free chocolate.

Then tonight, a girl from down the hall gave me some questionably old clementines that had been sitting in her fridge for a while and were on their way to the garbage.  I was like "daaaaamn, girl, that citrus is lookin' fiiiiiine" and then I ate them.  And they were questionable, but still made of citrusy goodness, so all is well and un-moldy.

Please enjoy this sequence of pictures from my clementine photoshoot.

1 comment:

  1. stop making me snort at work it's making me unattractive.
