Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Gluten Free is GREAT.

Lemme tell ya one of the best things about the dorm I live in: FREE FOOD every Wednesday night.  Here's some background for those of you who are miffed about how awesome your own dorm isn't (that was phrased weirdly and probably incorrectly, but in the words of Eleanor Roosevelt, "onward, ever onward" so just disregard that sentence, willya?)  
I live in the Health and Wellness building, which means it's a dorm that offers community activities, like yoga, arts and crafts, cooking, random outings, etc.  It's great.  I love it.  Especially on Wednesdays, which is the designated night for Bite Club-- every week is a different cooking/baking theme and this week's was gluten-free featuring special-guest cooks Allie and Leslie, two of my very favoritest floor mates in the whole wide campus.  

This is Allie-Gordon, hovering over a humongo bowl of gluten-free stir fry.  (Rice noodles, zuchini, snow peas, and soy sauce.  Yummz with a capital Y).  Such a gluten-free cutie-patootie.

This is Leslie, hovering over a batch of gluten-free cookies.  (Irish rolled oats, craisins, walnuts, blahblah other cookie ingredients that I'm too lazy to list, but I swear there's no gluten in them).  Leslie, you silly nut, no one eats cookies with forks!

So that was that.  Thanks for dinner, Leslie and Allie!  I was skeptical about a lack of delicious carbs (because that's what keeps this gal happy, y'all.  CARBS 4 EVA), but was pleasantly surprised with pasta and cookies.  Happyhappyhappy day.

And THEN, as if this day couldn't get any better on the free-food-front (try saying that 5 times fast), I acquired 2 slightly bruised, but still perfectly fabulous, apples (shout out to Katherine, my apple-wastin' girlface). 

So.  Because of this free dinner and my own handiness in the kitchen for breakfast (ha, yeah right, I failed at making french toast, which sucks because I don't really even like french toast to begin with), I spent only 4.5 points today on lunch at the Marche.  Woopdewoop!  Living frugally, errybody.  You should try it-- easy, fun, scrumdidlyumptuastic, and you don't even have to look in the garbage to do it.

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