Tuesday, April 3, 2012


Alright, guys.  Sorry I was so moody earlier about soy sauce and ice cream.  I was wallowing in a ditch of self-pity, but hey-- I crawled out of it!

I heard rumors about lemonade sorbet, so I ended up braving the Ben and Jerry's free cone line.  It was mega uber ridiculously long and I almost changed my mind, but it ended up taking me only 7 minutes to get through the line, get my sorbet, and gtfo.  I then proceeded to go take sorbet selfies in the Davis Center bathroom.  Classy.

The only option was mango, which tastes like barf, but ya know... it was free.  It was also sort of an act of defiance.  That's not the right word.  Whatever.  All of my half-formed plans to go get free ice cream with friends somehow didn't work out and I was like, "fuck the world, imma be an independent woman and go get my own friggin' free shit."  That was a direct quote from my thought process.

AND THEN.  The absolute most wonderous, splendifermagical, fantasmic, cragmolious, plastigeral, truncleflaggimal thing happened!  I got home from a Water Tower meeting on a mission to cram my face with a humongo simpysomp salad when all of a sudden Sarah intercepted me and was all, "help me with my freezer!!!!!!!"  And I was like (here's another quote straight from my head), "well gosh darn it, you have hands, YOU do it!"  Obviously, I was feeling a wee bit sassy today.  But then I helped and YOU'LL NEVER GUESS WHAT I FOUND. 

A pint of dairy free cookie dough soy/coconut ice cream.  It was SO GOOD.  Better than all the normal dairy ice cream I've ever had in my life combined.  Like, on a scale of 1-10, it would be in the 30's.  I must've said something a few days ago about being disappointed I couldn't participate in free cone day and Mr. Franck picked up on it.  (I swear, that boy is the BFG.  Minus the swivelly ears and whizpoppers.  HA.)  So when I found the pint, I did a jig and then went to go share with everyone in the kitchen, but everyone already knew about it... Best surprise ever.  Gah, I feel so loved.  THANKS, FRANCK!

So all in all, this day went from kind of blah to a little less blah and then to NOT BLAH AT ALL.

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