Thursday, April 26, 2012


What is the absolute best thing that could happen to you on a dreary Wednesday morning?  Whatever you're thinking-- WRONG.  Obviously, the answer is finding an abandoned de-potted plant tossed carelessly on the lawn behind the Rowell building.  Duh.  I spotted it on my way in to class.  It looked like this:

Adorable and little and precious and oh so MINE.
And then me, being the innovative creature that I am, stuck it in my empty coffee cup.  Perfect temporary potting mechanism.... until I kept going to take a sip of coffee and getting a mouthful of dirt.  Dirt doesn't really taste like coffee, but it does taste amazingly similar to that mud mask I wrote about in the previous post...  Anyway, I named the thing Reggie.

Little Reggie lookin' all cute n' stuff in his little coffee cup... 
After letting Reggie sit in the coffee cup for a day and a half because I was too busy (read: lazy) to pay attention to him, I finally transferred it to a coffee mug.  It's only been like 5 minutes since the big move, but I can tell he's way happier.  

So now, here's my list of challenges:

1.  Keeping it alive.  My thumb is the exact opposite of green.  I kill just about everything I touch.
2.  Figuring out what kind of plant Reggie is.  The only plant I can confidently identify is a dandelion. Maybe a hydrangea bush on a good day.  This little green thing could be poison ivy and I would have no idea.  Maybe I'll rub it on my face and see what happens.
3.  My parents got a plant in college, named it Fred, and kept it alive somehow.  It just recently kicked the bucket a year or two ago.  I dunno if I'm ready for that kind of long-term plant relationship. Sheeeesh it's like having a kid!  I'm not ready!  I can't do it!  I'm gonna end up tossing it back behind Rowell again!  What if I feel that way when I actually have kids?!  Can I toss them behind Rowell too?!  

This is too much pressure.  Reggie's gotta go.  Who wants him...

1 comment:

  1. Hi Caney!
    I love plants!
    I can check it out if you want, it's probably something cool if it was tossed from the greenhouse!
