Thursday, April 19, 2012

Feed some kiddos! Eat some energy bars!

Discovery of the week: Two Degrees bars-- gluten free AND vegan!  I'm a big fan of clif bars, nature valley, all those gluteny energy bars, so I was SO EXCITED to have found one that I can eat.  And, added bonus-- for every bar you buy, a meal is donated to a hungry child.  BOOM, good deed for the day.  Downside: each bar is $3.49 at Marche.  If you budget out your points evenly throughout the semester, you can spend about 12-15 points a day, so...this isn't really the greatest bang for your buck (that sounds vaguely inappropriate...ha).

Chocolate peanut.  The best flavor, obviously.  Chocolate trumps all.  This was also the first flavor I tried.  On the wrapper it says the main ingredients are quinoa; chia; and millet, so I was a bit hesitant to try it.  Sounded disgustingly healthy.  But fear not, easily impressionable people!  Do not be swayed by the scary wrapper!

Cherry almond.  The second best flavor.  

Apple pecan.  The third best flavor.  Just because it came in last doesn't mean it's not finga-lickin' fabulous though.  (bahahah say "finga-lickin' fabulous" outloud.  It gets funnier every time).


  1. Hi Caney,
    Can you do an update on how you're feeling on your no gluten, no dairy, no meat diet?
    If I got that right? I don't remember what you're allowed or not.

    1. You got it-- meat, dairy, and gluten free. I'll give a quick update about it soon though. :)
