Monday, April 2, 2012

Magical Bean Brownies: SMASHING SUCCESS!

Tonight's experiment: gluten-free black bean brownies.  I'm going to go ahead and say that this has been one of the most successful food experiments thus far.  It was literally such a success that there have been requests that it be made again sometime this week.  It's THAT good.

Here's the recipe for those who are curious:

- 15 oz can of black beans
- 3/4 cup sugar
- 1 tsp vanilla
- 3 tbsp oil
- 4 tbsp cocoa powder
- 3 eggs
- salt

Mash it all up at once, preferably in a food processor.  We didn't have one, but the texture and consistency of the beans in the batter really isn't that bad, so fuck that step. Swoosh it around a bit and you're good to go.  Pop it in the oven at 350 for 30-35 minutes and then let it cool.

Because we're annoyingly impatient college students, we didn't let it cool.  In fact, it might not've even been cooked all the way through.  How rebellious.  We dug right in with forks immediately after it left the oven.  I barely had time to snap this picture:

Whenever someone makes something even remotely delicious-smelling, it attracts people like flies to roadkill.  Like mold to an aging loaf of bread.  Like fungus to an athlete's foot.  I don't know why all of my analogies are disgusting, but I think you probably get the point.  Thankfully, these brownies were a bit more decadent than all those things.  I'm just gonna forget this paragraph ever happened.  Anyway.

This is the brownie crew.  Since Mike was the picture-taker, I photoshopped him into the picture.  I bet you can't even spot him.  He fits right in.

This is a picture of the brownie pan less than 5 minutes after it was taken from the oven.  I kid you not, that shit was DEVOURED.  It was like piranhas leaving a sad cow carcass.  ...Someone please give me better analogies.  I suck.

So.  Complete success.  Easy to make, tastes like magic, and it's chock full o' sneaky protein!  Honestly, I cannot think of anything better than that.  I would absolutely make this again.  Probably within the next couple days, actually.  YOU CAN NEVER HAVE TOO MANY BEAN BROWNIES!