Saturday, January 21, 2012

Sweet Potato Victory

To celebrate a couple of friends' birthdays, a bunch of us went out to dinner at Sweetwaters on Church Street.  I ordered fresh, not-from-the-trash food and it wasn't bad, but overall I'd give it a "meh."  I hate spending money on food (obviously, or this blog wouldn't exist).

Gorgonzola pear flatbread.  Yummz.

ANYWAY.  Back to the point of the story-- several people ordered sweet potato fries and for some unknown reason, didn't have the stomach capacity to eat all of them (can we just pause for a sec-- no room for SWEET POTATO FRIES?!  I thought it was humanly impossible to not ingest every single sweet potato fry given to you.  Okay, maybe that's just me, but I digress).  So.  With the fries packed up to go, we left, leaving our numbers to Brian, the gorgeous waiter (but that's a whole different story.  Wink.)

Several hours later, after having broken out the to-go boxes and reliving the glory that is restaurant leftovers, the boxes were thrown away and the sweet memory of leftover fries was fading from our collective consciousness.  Until!  Lo and behold, upon entering the kitchen, I spied a box!  At the top of the trash bin!  And there were still FRIES in it!  Mind you, they were the ugly, weird-looking fries that picky eaters tend to forgo, but am I a picky eater?  Nope!  Never have sweet potato fries tasted so good as when they are freshly pulled out of the trash.  Wait, what?  But seriously.  Victory.

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