Friday, January 20, 2012


Hi there!  If you want to know about all the wonderful things one may find in the trash bins of UVM, you've come to the right place.  Right now, I live in a Health and Wellness residential hall, meaning the food that gets thrown away is GREAT.  And my room is right by the garbage, so... life is perfect.  My lovely friend Bryanna Doe suggested I document everything I find in blog form, so here it is.  Welcome to "You Trash It, I Eat It," a detailed account of my life as a hungry college student, digging through garbage.

Here's a bit of my trash-eating history... It all started a few years ago when my brother ate a piece of pizza and threw away the crust.  Obviously, the crust is the best part, so obviously I had to go salvage it.  And thus, my trashy ways were born.  Yes, my family still brings that up every now and again, but hey, NO SHAME.  If there's something delicious in that garbage can, you darn well better go nab it.

I don't blame you if you're judging me for this; heck, I'd judge me too.  It's disgusting.  It's embarrassing.  Sometimes you find things that make you want to throw up.  Sometimes the person who threw the food away finds you eating it.  Things can get messy, but it's worth it in the end when you've got a big bowl of free cereal and a sense of accomplishment.  So throw away your pride and dig in.

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