Friday, January 20, 2012

The biggest stash of trash food in the world

Last night was a FANTASTIC stroke of luck.  I don't know who the heck threw all this out, but I'm not complaining!  

3 boxes of cereal - Honey Nut Cheerios, Froot Loops, and Lucky Charms.

4 boxes of bars: multigrain bars, clif bars, snackwell's, planters...GAH!

A bag of the BEST granola I've ever had.  So so good.  Favorite find of the night.

Some candy corn (and some other candy as well - lifesavers, gummies, a Bit-O-Honey bar).

Bags of unpopped popcorn.

There was also a box of Cheez-its, Wheat things, and a few single-serve packs of Kraft mac n' cheese.  I'm usually a pretty lucky gal, but this was just ridiculous.  Over-the-top ridiculous.  

This was WAY more food than I could eat by myself, so most of it I ended up giving to the boys' suite on the floor below me and sharing with whoever was willing to eat trash food (which, by the way, is most people if the offerings are delectable enough).  I kept the granola, the cheerios, and a few granola bars.  Another rule of trash-picking: only take what you know you or someone else you know will eat.  Otherwise, what's the point?  

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