Thursday, May 17, 2012

Trip to the Liiiiiibrary!

My general mode of operation after a particularly hairy exam or some horribly stressful event is to clear everything so I can just chill the fuck out and read about something that has no affiliation with anything in my life.  A few times a year, I go on HUGE rampages that last a week or two and read everything in sight.  This is one of those times.  So.  Here's what I'm currently reading:

1) Cross my Heart by Carly Phillips.  Ugh.  Guilty pleasure-- I love this shit.  The plots suck, the endings are predictable, the "heroines" are dumb bitches, and nothing that happens in these books is even remotely plausible.  And yet, here I am reading them.The day I got home from school, my mom had left a bunch of airy chick lit on my bed and I tackled it.  No better way to clear your brain than focusing on the impossible love life of some girl stumbling upon the love of her life, who happens to be gorgeous and perfect.  Ahh.

2) The Revenge of the Radioactive Lady by Elizabeth Stuckey-French.  I ahven't yet started this one, but DAMMMN can you resist a title like that?  I totally judged this book by its cover.  Nothin' gets my attention like radioactivity and aprons.

3) Bag of Bones by Stephen King.  I'm an avid Stephen King reader, but I can't read them one after another... TOO SCARY.  I have to wait a month or two between novels to recover.  Plus, I'll be working at a hotel this summer and at night the lobby gets dark and creaky and terrifying.  I'm actually fairly sure it's haunted.  I always tell myself I won't read Stephen King at the hotel, but I always do, so... I suck.  Anywho, I'm not very far in yet, but I'm sure I'll be scared pants-less soon enough.

4) The Wonderful Story of Henry Sugar ...And Six More by Roald Dahl.  I LOVE LOVE LOVE Roald Dahl.  I'm not one to reread books multiple times, but Roald Dahl never gets old.


  1. Good choices! The Revenge of the Radioactive Lady Sounds crazy!
    I am reading A Life Without Limits by Chrissie Wellington! Soo good and inspiring!
    I like libraries, right up your alley. Libraries have all sorts of free stuff, most you can only borrow for limited times, but prevents copious amounts of books! I never buy books unless they're reference because I can get books for free through the lib!

  2. I love that you reread Roald Dahl.
