Saturday, May 11, 2013

Wokin' and framin' and shirt wearin'

AMAZING finds yesterday! First off, I found a really nice two-handled wok hanging out of the overflowing dumpster next to my apartment. It was so full I was afraid if I grabbed the pan there would be an avalanche and I would die under a giant mass of garbage. Actually, that would be an okay way to go. But I took my chances, didn't die, and got a wok outta the deal!  Unfortunately, the dumpster was so out of control I didn't dare go further in for fear of touching icky things.  Anywho, the pan's a bit large, but I'm hoping I'll be able to bring it to my teensy apartment when I move in a couple weeks from now. I'm gonna stir-fry everything. EVERYTHING.  

My next big find was this humongo picture frame. I want to make one of those DIY frame jewelry holders with it using chickenwire. Summaaaa project! Right now it's painted a mottled/flecked gold and I want to repaint it a little bit snazzier.  I was thinking electric blue. Or maybe just regular blue. Maybe not blue at all.... I'll letcha know how it goes.

Everything I'm wearing in the picture below was also found. Snagged a couple pairs of funktastic sunnies, and few Nike workout shirts (thank goodness, workout motivation!).  Another cool find that I didn't take pictures of are a few lacy tanks from Zenana, an Indian company that handmakes clothing for sustainable fashion.  I absolutely love the shirts, but haven't quite figured out how to wear them. They're too long to be a regular shirt, too short to be a dress or a tunic. Hmm. I'll be experimenting. 

Thursday, May 9, 2013


In today's episode of Caney-gets-dowwwwn-in-the-dumpster, I stumbled upon enough clothes to outfit me for at least a week.  People are starting to move out and instead of throwing their clothes in the donation bins, they just throw them straight into the garbage.  Cool.  Here's the run-down of today's dumpster finds:

3 pairs of pants
1 pair of workout shorts
1 skirt 
1 dress
3 cardigans/jackets
8 shirts
Storage cube

Since spring sprung a couple weeks ago, I've been seeing a lot of those weird short-in-the-front, long-in-the-back skirts and was kinda hankering for one but didn't wanna drop an exorbitant amount of money to look like everyone else.  Lo and behold, I found one in the trash!  Dreams DO come true.  Also featured in this picture is a lacy/silky crop top with a slight rip. A couple stitches and it'll be good to go! I'm feelin' miiiiiighty stylish!

My next favorite find was these PANTS.  Holy WOW I love these pants.  They're from Mexicali Blues and I'm gonna wear the ever-living daylights out of them.  I'm going to wear these with my birkies and hang out at Muddy Waters alllllll summer.  (Also, you can't tell, but the top is a Forever 21 crop top with a really cool cut-out back.)

I also found a perfectly wonderful biddie dress. I wanted to take a picture of it, but taking pictures in such a curve-hugging dress is a bit too risque for me, so I just threw some some chins in therrrr. Problem solved. Sexiness gone.

Another mega-find-- 2 pairs of Lucky brand jeans. 1 pair fit like a dream and the other pair was a size 2, soooo..... hahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahah...ha.  Anywho.  Found the black tank top and beautifully knitted cardigan too.

This storage cube is the only thing I didn't find in the dumpster.  I found it outside one of the dorm buildings in the "take it or leave it" section where people can get rid of stuff they don't wanna take home with them.  Perfect my teensy little apartment! Seating AND storage!  MIRACLE OF MIRACLES!

Another miracle of miracles, I found an unopened cna of my favorite soup.  (I kid you not, Amy's is my favorite organic canned soup and I eat the lentil kind at least once a week.)  DINNER IN DA DUMPSTAAAA

Aaaaand once more. Another crop top.

I didn't take pictures of everything because I still have one more final and even taking time to write this blog post is stressing me out.  I must go. Go check out your nearest dumpster.

Monday, May 6, 2013


Finals week is simultaneously the best and worst week of the year.  It's stressful as all get-out and I sort of feel like just keeling over and dying (6 exams total, GUH), but on the other hand, everyone is moving out and the semester's over and summer is HERE and (the best part) everyone is getting rid of shit. I make daily trips to the dumpster during finals week in hopes of finding gold.  I scored hard today. It almost makes up for the fact that I'm pretty sure I bombed my music theory final this morning. WHATEVA.

Find #1: two flannel shirts. These babies are NICE. The brown one is prAna brand, which is in the neighborhood of $100 shirts. (WHAT THA HECK, privileged college students throwing away yoga-brand clothing?! I'll take it!) The blue one is not a noteworthy brand, but who da eff cares, it's comfy and colorful and I'm gonna snuggle the crap out of it.

 Next, I found a reversible duvet cover.  I didn't even have to go digging for this one, it was laying right outside the dumpster.  I can't tell if it's a full or a twin, but I'll make use of it anyway!

Shirt with biiiiiirds on it.  Definitely wearing this to work... which is kind of ironic because I'll be working in a semi-professional office this summer and have to dress nicely. I find all my work clothes in the dumpster, HAHAHAH

These were my favorite finds.  Not one, but TWO blue floppy hats and a little white shoulder shrug. When I first pulled the sweater thing out, I thought it was doll clothing and almost threw it back in, but figured I could donate it somewhere instead. NOPE, turns out it's my new favorite piece of clothing because now I can wear all my sleeveless dresses to work.  WAHOOOOZA

Found these boots with the tissue paper still balled up in the toes. Seriously, guys?! Who throws away a new, never-worn pair of boots?! I'm appalled. And disappointed that they're a size too small. (Up for grabs, if anyone wants them!)

These ones fit though!

...And it's only Monday. Let the week of non-stop dumpster diving begin!