Thursday, August 9, 2012

Banana stuff with stuff in it!!!!!!!!!

I can't remember whether or not I've already written a post about this, but WHATEVA DOIN' IT ANYWAY.  Today, as I was driving my friend Haleigh home, she wanted to stop at Scumberland Farms and pick up some Ben and Jerry's.  That got me hankerin' for ice cream, but since I'm still all dairy free and stuff, me and Ben and Jerry can't hang out.

And then I got home and went to stare into the freezer.   LO AND BEHOLD, there was a bag of frozen banana slices.  And ohhh, what you can do with banana slices!  Popped 'em in the food processor and obliterated them into infinity.  Jk, lol, I obliterated them into ice cream consistency.

And then, since plain ol' banana ice cream is meh, I tossed in some vanilla protein powder, cocoa powder, a bit of peanut butter, and some dry oats.  Banana stuff with stuff in it!!!!!!!  (Please appreciate how well my baby spoon matches the purple on my pajammies.  It's Thursday and my day off, so obviously pajammies will be worn all day).

Ya know what's great about obliterated banannies with stuff in 'em?  It's cheap and fast (literally, took less than a minute (not including clean-up time (oy))) and pretty healthy depending on what you chuck in there and dairy free and you can share with all your friends or not if you're in your pajammies and feeling antisocial like meeeee!  Mmmm, run-on sentence.

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