Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Challenge me to a game of Bingo and I will WINNN.

I don't know if it's something I ate or something specific I did, but my lucky streak today is way out of control.  No one deserves to be this lucky.  That said, I'm NOT complaining; today was awesome.  The first miracle of the day came when I woke up and knew exactly what I wanted to wear.  This may seem like no big deal, but lemme tell ya, sometimes I just don't feel like wearing anything.  Those are the days I remind myself that technically, it's not illegal to go around naked in Vermont as long as you don't strip your clothes outside or some mumbo like that.  But nine times out of ten, I end up putting clothes on.  Whatever.  Anyway, so that was a big deal.

Big deal numero two: I was driving home from Burlington half-listening to the radio just trying to make it through those damn commercials when I heard "free tickets" and a phone number.  I (unsafely, whoops) whipped out my phone, tapped in the number, and voila!  I was caller #7 and won two tickets to go see Sweeney Todd in Lebanon this weekend.  THAT NEVER HAPPENS.  I've never called to win anything before because what're the odds I'd call at the exact right moment?  Also lucky thang numero 2.5: I didn't crash while using my phone to win things.

Big deal numero tres: BINGO, BABAAYYYY.  Every Wednesday night during the summer, Elmore hosts a community bingo as a fundraiser for the milfoil problem in the lake.  Tonight I scored so hard.  I won the first round with a straight-across bingo ("Hoooorizontal!  Vertical!  Diiiiii-agonal!") and won some fresh raspberries.  

Then I won AGAIN and picked up one of those nifty stench-spreaders.  When I brought it home and showed it off to my mother, she gasped.  Apparently she's desperately allergic to the scent "gardenia."  Rats.

Last week, I won a wiffle bat and a plate of cookies.  I am KILLA at bingo, but only in Elmore.  During finals week at UVM, my friend Shannon and I went to a bingo game hosted by the inter-residence association and things got stressful.  When you're winning raspberries and wiffle balls, it's not such a big deal, but when the prizes are a bit more appealing, it becomes a sweaty, hostile event.  I'd much rather play bingo in Elmore than with a bunch of rowdy, technology-hungry college kids.  Oops, looks like my transformation into a grandma is almost complete.  And speaking of grandmas, the theme for next weeks in Elmore is "bring your grandma to bingo!" SO EXCITED.