I feel like half of these blog posts are about seaweed salad. (Wait, I'm gonna go count.) There's THIS ONE and THIS ONE and... I guess that's it. But still. I bet you guys are getting bored with me and my seaweed salad obsession. I DON'T KERRR, gonna write aboot it anywayz.
A few days after I found this wonderful stuff, my friend Jack told me about these buckets (HA, love that word) of seaweed salad sold at Costco. We made plans to go, but never actually followed through. Sadskies.
And then my friend Amy mentioned the same thing-- glorious buckets of seaweed salad at Costco. We made plans-ish, but again, never followed through with them. (Are you guys sensing a pattern here? I'm a shitty keep-in-touch-er and I'm bad at making plans. Sincerest apologies).
So last night, while I was raiding my friend Eliza's fridge (without consent because that's what best friends do-- nom the noms that don't belong to you), I came upon a bucket of seaweed salad. And LO and BEHOLD it was from Costco. (Just for the record, it's not really a bucket... more of a medium-sized tupperware container. I think 'bucket' sounds better, but then I'm biased because that's pretty much my favorite word. ANYWAY). I did a little Junie B. Jones-esque gasp of delight aaaand then there were ocean plants in my mouth. Mmm.
And then to my even greater delight (and bewilderment), Eliza's mom told me to take the container home with me because no one in the house liked it very much. I was mucho grande skeptical. Who the heck doesn't like slimy, fluorescent green marine vegetation?! Weirdos. So I accepted it calmly with grace and poise and then attacked it. Guess who now has an empty seaweed bucket? This gal.
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I eat so much seaweed, I fully expect to turn into a mermaid by next week. |
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