Heyyy, bloggy blog friends! It's been about 16 years since I last wrote a blogpost, even though there have been PLENTY of blog-worthy experiences... For example, last week I went to get my teeth cleaned and my hygienist and I really hit it off. She ended up sneaking me out with 5 toothbrushes, 6 boxes of floss, 4 boxes of toothpaste, a handful of stickers, and her email address. SCORE. Another blog-worthy find that I didn't end up posting about was a lime green garbage can Tucker and I found in a dumpster. Trash can in a dumpster, how ironic. ANYway. Back to the real subject.
Today was my dear friend Mackenzie's birthday, so we decided to do some cake experimentation... A few days ago, I was spelunking around on the interwebz and found a bunch of single serving cake recipes. I was like, "DAYUMMM, I'MMA MAKE DIS SUMDAY." And that day was today. Taylor, Karen, Myria, and I scrounged up an impressive amount of mugs, made a quick grocery trip, and then proceeded to spend 2 hours making microwave cake. Mmm, the sweet taste of college. Here's a shot of my dining room table in the throes of dessert-making. It was a mess. A delicious, peanutbuttery mess.
Here's the end result. 10 mugs are chocolate cake with homemade reeses frosting and the 2 mugs in the middle are peanut butter chocolate chip cake. It doesn't look very appetizing in this picture... actually, it looks like dog poop in a cup, but I assure you they tasted better than they look. In retrospect, we probably should've mixed the ingredients in a separate bowl so the sides of the mugs wouldn't look all drippy. Whatever. It's cake.
I made one that was gluten free fo' meeee :)
Then for Mackenzie's birthday dinner we got a huge group together to go downtown to the Asiana Noodle Shop. I'd never been and was nervous about finding gluten-free options, but HEY whaddaya know-- the place was full of crap I could eat. Pictured below is avocado maki, something with seitan and mysterious goop, and salad.
The menu was a little bit scary. It was like 15 pages long and had a lot of words that are not in my vocabulary (I'd never even heard of a sushi boat. I basically live under a rock). So I decided to play it safe-ish and get the avocado tofu salad. It also had seaweed salad in it!!!!! Do you guys remember all my posts about seeweed salad?!?!?! Well guess what! Still obsessed!!!!!!!!!!
Here we are... humongo, obnoxious group. It took us at least 20 minutes to divvy up the bill. There is a reason I'm not a math major.
Want to make your own single-serving cake-in-a-mug? Go HERE. My next conquest will be the carrot cake, I think.